The maison, founded in 1901 in the town of Seyssel in the Ain département, is truly authentic and a specialist in these terroirs producing light and reinvigorating wines that exude pure mountain air and demonstrates a winemaking technique that is full of character.
Thus we are one of the region’s oldest and most important wine houses making Traditional Method sparkling wines. We pay particular attention to our production methods and have been uncompromising in the quality of our wines for over a century.
The official proclamation of the small AOC Seyssel in 1943 (only 220 acres under vine) was the first sparkling wine AOC in France after Champagne. This was also a great achievement for Varichon and Clerc who were one of the principal producers of this wine. We had already been using the best local grapes found in the appellation for many years prior: Altesse (famous for bringing freshness and floral notes, like a taste of the wild alpine countryside), Molette and Jacquère (well known for their prominent earthy aromas)
In 1996 our specialist know-how and this profound attachment to our Savoy origins led us to become part of the Boisset Family of wineries where the excellent quality of our wines was quickly recognized.